Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Tancredo Takes TNP GOP Poll

Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo won the Next Prez October Republican straw poll.

Tom Tancredo: 23%
Mitt Romney: 19%
John McCain: 13%
Michael Smith: 11%
Chuck Hagel: 10%
Rudy Giuliani: 10%
John Cox: 9%
Newt Gingrich: 4%
George Allen: 3%


Charlie said...

I'd like to see Chuck Hagel get the Republican nomination. He polled evenly with Rudy in that poll and Senator Hagel is more conservative that many of the others in the field. He's a solid fiscal and social conservative.

This is one place I saw a good argument for that presented:

Anonymous said...

Tancredo is the Best choice for President 2008!

Anonymous said...

Tom Tancredo is the ONLY politician who does not waffle on the border securtiy and illegal aliens , he is the only hope on this issue and will not waver. He doesn't play party politcis and has on more than one occasion critized bush. He has the vision and leadership skills to run this country

Anonymous said...

I totally agree Tom Tancredo all the way! I hope he wins.

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