Monday, November 27, 2006

The Conservative Voice: Third Party 2008

The Conservative Voice columnist William Calhoun said in his November 17th article, "Election 2008: Conservative Third Party?",that conservatives will likely have to turn to a third party candidate such as Lou Dobbs, Jim Gilchrist or Congressman Tom Tancredo.

Calhoun says that the leading Republicans for the nomination are too liberal and that the Republican Party is traditionally a liberal party.

"Although Mitt Romney has tried recently to sell himself as a conservative, he has a very long track record of liberal causes. One can almost be certain that he is a liberal in disguise.

Some may say that Newt Gingrich is not a liberal per se, but he (unlike Reagan) certainly backs a neocon interventionist foreign policy, and would probably start another war. And although he recently has criticized the third-world invasion of America, only a few years ago he supported amnesty. Newt Gingrich is more neocon than conservative." Calhoun said of the retiring Massachusetts governor and the former Speaker of the House.

Calhoun said that the only hope for conservative Republicans is that Tancredo may win the nomination and if that doesn't that perhaps he will run as a third party candidate.

Calhoun also points out that CNN news anchor Lou Dobbs or Minuteman Project Inc. founder Jim Gilchrist may be a third party option for conservatives.

In another article Calhoun said that Congressman Duncan Hunter, Congressman and 1988 Libertarian Presidential Candidate Ron Paul, 2004 Constitution Party Vice Presidential Candidate Pastor Chuck Baldwin and 2004 Constitution Presidential Candidate Michael Peroutka would also be good candidates.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go Tancredo! Keep up the conservative Constitutional message!

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